Category: Business Tips

Is it Time to Redo Your Website?

Quick question: do you know if your website is adequately secure?

Cyberattacks happen every day and protecting your company from end to end is the best strategy for fending off these bad actors. You’ve likely covered your bases with email security, firewalls and data backups—but what about your website?

Is it Time to Redo Your Website? | Giant Voices Blog

Your business’s website is another potential entry point that must be secured. Giant Voices cares about our clients’ web security, which is why our strategic web development services include building on the WordPress platform and hosting through WP Engine. We’ve found this to be the most robust, available, secure and cost-effective solution for our clients.

WordPress recently shared the following best practices to improve your chance of staying safe from a security incident or malicious attack. We recommend taking a look at your web security protocols and adjusting your practices wherever necessary.

Top Website Security Tips

Create a Strong Username and Password 

For each user on WordPress and WP Engine’s User Portal—and do not reuse these credentials on other services. These logins are the gateway to the administrative controls of your website.

If anyone were to gain unauthorized access to your site, it could be a recipe for disaster for your company and your brand reputation.

One last note—don’t share passwords or accounts; this will only increase opportunities for risk.

Use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Use MFA as a security best practice for all logins. WP Engine makes enabling MFA easy, so there’s no reason to overlook this important step.

MFA ensures only authorized users can access your site by adding a simple extra layer of security beyond a password. With a randomly generated code sent to you via email or text, you’ll protect your website and your company.

Enable Seamless Login 

From the WP Engine User Portal to WordPress Admin, you can utilize seamless login. Seamless login will securely log you in from the User Portal with one click, without requiring a password. This option increases security while simplifying the login process.

Keep Plugins Up to Date

Ensure that the plugins on your website are always current and remove any plugins that you don’t use anymore. This eliminates any potential security weaknesses or gaps that could be caused by outdated plugins. To make things easier, the Smart Plugin Manager can do the heavy lifting by updating plugins on your behalf.

Thinking About Redesigning Your Website?

Maintaining a strong web presence is more important now that it has ever been before. With federal and state mandated restrictions on person-to-person interactions, consumers are naturally turning to digital means to connect with products, services and brands.

If you’ve been considering a website overhaul, there’s no time like the present. Your website is now your first point of contact with customers and prospects—is it an accurate representation of your brand? Are you conveying the right messages to convert prospects into leads?

Giant Voices has helped hundreds of clients create strategic, lead-generating websites over the past two decades, and we’ve found four key elements contribute to successful website performance.

Intuitive Navigation

When your website is easy to navigate, it sends a strong message that your business cares about offering a great customer experience from start to finish. 

Mobile-Responsive Design

People are always connected via mobile devices and offering a seamless experience between desktop and mobile versions of your website makes it easier for customers to access the information they need.

On-Brand Content Strategy

Your website provides the first introduction of your brand to new customers – that means the content should reflect the voice and tone of your brand and your team.

Clear Offers

This is where you make your website work for you. Every page of your website should provide a clear path to conversion – what action do you want visitors to take? What offers are you providing?

The Giant Voices team kicks off website development projects with a deep dive into our clients’ goals, so we can be sure to deliver a website that will drive success and growth. During our proprietary Website Vision Sharing™ session, we gain a deeper understanding of desired user behavior, and then we get to work.

We develop an intuitive sitemap that streamlines navigation and drives users through the website. We get to work on beautiful designs and visual components, and we draft clear, concise content with compelling calls to action (CTAs) that drive conversions.

Then we build, test and launch powerful websites. We’ve helped many incredible clients articulate their brands and offers with beautiful and effective websites, and we’re proud of each project we’ve completed.

Check out some of our recent website development work and get in touch with us for more information on our website redevelopment process.

Five Tips for Virtual Meeting Success

Virtual meetings have become an essential part of our new normal. Seasoned remote workers are no strangers to virtual meetings, but for those of us who are used to face-to-face human interactions, deriving the same value from a virtual meeting (not to mention staying focused) can be more challenging than it seems.

For the foreseeable future, virtual meetings are the best or only option to collaborate. Use these five tips to avoid common pitfalls and make each meeting as productive as possible.

Five Tips for Virtual Meeting Success | Giant Voices Blog

Stay on Track – Keep Virtual Meetings Running Smoothly

When you’re sitting in a conference room, it’s easy to see who’s in charge, but when you’re meeting online, it’s not quite so clear—especially if you’re collaborating across several companies or teams. Know that if you called the meeting, you’re likely in charge—and that comes with extra responsibilities.

First, create and share an agenda at least 24 hours before the meeting. When you’re meeting in person, it’s easier to pivot on the fly, but virtual meetings need a little more structure.

If you have specific requests or expectations, make those clear when you share the agenda. This gives attendees ample time to review and prepare. Having a clear outline of what you want to accomplish and sticking to it during the time allotted will help you ensure your meeting is productive.

Next, keep an eye on the clock—these meetings go fast. If it helps, designate a timekeeper who will help you keep the meeting progressing smoothly.

It is also important to watch out for tangents that could take your meeting off track—but be sure to table valuable but off-agenda topics for follow up or future meetings.

Be Courteous – We’re All in This Together

The first rule of virtual meetings is: do not talk unless it is your turn to speak. Try not to speak over your colleagues, and be sure to mute your microphone when you’re not talking. 

Remote work environments often come with potential distractions that can cause unintentional background noise, so it’s best to remain on mute until the conversation steers your way.

If you can’t talk and you can’t interrupt your coworkers, how can you get a word in edgewise? There are a few polite options. Capture the meeting facilitator’s attention with a hand wave and wait until you’re invited to speak.

Or, wait for a pause in the conversation and jump in. You can also chat in most platforms—note you have something to add, and then wait for others to stop speaking or the meeting facilitator to call on you.

When everyone practices general etiquette, the entire meeting will run more smoothly. Everyone will get a chance to add their input without stepping on others’ toes in the process.

Be Attentive to Minimize Distractions

Working from home often comes with multitasking—especially when you’re working from home during a pandemic. You’re likely sharing space with a spouse, partner or roommate, and you may have kids at home needing supervision (not to mention education) or pets that crave attention.

That’s enough distraction for anyone. Your team surely understands and is likely in a similar boat, but it’s best to minimize distractions during a virtual meeting whenever possible.

Try to retreat to a separate space for the duration of the call. Otherwise, do your best to keep your wards entertained while still actively participating in the meeting.

You’ll also have to battle the rest of your work responsibilities simultaneously. Avoid checking your email or your phone during the meeting. Silence all notifications and focus on the conversation.

One last tip: keep your eyes on whoever is speaking rather than watching yourself in the camera—it’ll help you stay engaged, and you’ll avoid missing valuable information, requests to speak or questions aimed at you. Don’t worry about your hair or the bad camera angle!

Lights, Camera, Action – Get Comfortable with Your Camera

We know we just told you not to look at yourself in the camera, which is why it is smart to do a quick video test before you join the meeting.

Make sure your camera has a clean lens, so your video feed is crisp and clear. If your job requires you to meet with high-profile clients, it may be worth investing in a high-resolution camera to ensure excellent video quality at every meeting.

Most people don’t love being on camera, but it’s a necessary element of modern business. These tips should help you feel more comfortable being in front of the camera regularly.

First, find a location with a clear backdrop. A plain wall or a spot with minimal décor is best. Try not to sit with a window behind you as the backlighting will make you appear dark.

Next, center the camera. Position head-on, from your shoulders and up, in the middle of the screen. It can be distracting to other attendees if they can only see part of your face or if you’re looking off to the side when people are talking.

Lastly, remember to sit up straight and look into the camera when you speak. Resist the temptation to look at yourself in the camera, instead address your fellow attendees just like you would during an in-person meeting.

Conclude Effectively

There is no shortage of new memes about the awkwardness of virtual meeting conclusions. The long goodbyes. The strange pauses as attendees look for the red button that’ll allow them to hang up. The lingering silent faces.

Avoid all this by having a strong wrap-up.

Provide a quick recap of what you covered during the meeting and any action items left on the table. Ask if anyone has any final questions. Outline any deliverables that arose during the meeting and the necessary next steps to keep the project moving forward. Announce the time for the next meeting or any expected follow-up calls or emails, and lastly, thank attendees for their participation. Then it’s time to click END.

Adding in this transition period will signal that the meeting is concluding while allowing attendees to make any last-minute notes, ask final questions and prepare to sign off.

It’s Time to Demand More From Your Marketing Team

Marketers just read that headline and cringed. They’re giving us the evil eye through their screens, thinking: “What do you mean, MORE? We’re already doing EVERYTHING!”

  • Emails
  • Newsletters
  • Social media
  • Blogs
  • Flyers
  • Branding
  • Advertising
  • Digital marketing
  • Handouts
  • Analytics
  • Reporting
  • Tradeshow materials
  • Business packages
  • Event Planning
  • Public Relations
  • Crisis Communications

It’s true! Marketing covers a lot of ground and our work is essential to business growth. So, how can we sit here and proclaim that marketing should start delivering more?

Because we know they can.

Demand More From Your Marketing Team

More Strategy

Marketing isn’t supposed to be reactive. It should be forward-thinking, smart and strategic. Every effort should drive your business in the direction you want it to go–and when marketing is aligned with your business strategy, there’s no telling what you can achieve.

Now is the time to include your marketing team in strategic planning, so they can create all-encompassing solutions that help you reach your goals. 

More Advocacy

Marketing supports all business functions—and should be your cheerleaders, your yes-people, your sounding board and your advocates. That also means marketing shouldn’t be an afterthought.

If you want marketing to back you and your ideas, start including the team in strategic-level meetings. You’ll be impressed by the ideas and support that come as a result.

More Reliability

You should never have to wait on marketing. They should be the very embodiment of hustle because their work supports sales, customer service, financials, technology and more.

You must be able to rely on marketing to deliver, because when they don’t, everything suffers. The best way to ensure your marketing team keeps a pep in their step? Set realistic expectations, and then give them the resources they need to succeed.

More Ideas

Marketers get into marketing because they have big ideas on how to drive sales and customer engagement. Marketers are little idea factories just waiting for someone to say “go!”

Give your team the space they need to experiment, and they’ll blow you away with creative solutions that get results. Every time.

More Solutions

Are you adding a new product or service? Expanding into a new market? Trying to attract a new customer demographic? Growing your internal team?

Look to marketing for strategies and solutions to help meet your goals. Marketing will come up with creative ways to solve a problem, and they never shy away from a challenge.

Add a Fractional CMO to Your Marketing Team

This is a lot to ask of a marketing team, we know—especially if your marketing team is a powerhouse of one. The Giant Voices account management team often holds the role of Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) for our clients.

We can handle just about everything from setting sales goals, overseeing company branding, creating key messages, developing collateral, managing digital marketing assets, event coordination and more. This is why adding a fractional CMO or marketing leader to your team can seriously transform your success.

We work with you and your marketing team to deliver strategy, value and results that drive your business forward. The best part? Our CMOs come fully-supported by the entire Giant Voices team. 

Interested in learning more? Contact us.

Marketing needs? Hire a herd of workhorses, not a magical unicorn.

As a savvy business professional, surely you’ve asked yourself this question: “Can’t I just hire one person to do all my marketing?”

You know, a magical unicorn of a human who can develop smart strategy, write insightful press releases, update your social media, design layouts, forecast sales—the list goes on.

The short answer, of course, is yes. But, like a magical unicorn, they’re awfully hard to find. If not downright impossible.

Here’s the reality: You can hire an entire team of experts—a herd of workhorses—for about the same investment as that elusive unicorn you might be hoping to capture.

For starters, consider the true cost of an employee. The average salary of a marketing manager typically ranges from $60,000 to $100,000.

Now, throw in health benefits, vacation and other perks, and you can easily tack on 20 percent to that total.

Simply put: All the rainbows and glitter that come along with a unicorn can get expensive. Fast.

It’s also important to look at the current low rate of unemployment. Today’s economy favors the employee, not the employer. With an unemployment rate of just 2.4% in many markets, employees are less loyal than ever before.

In fact, in many cases, employees are staying at their job for less than one year. You should also consider the time and investment it takes to train a new employee—only to have them leave a few months later.

The lesson here: Unicorns have the power of flight and they’re not afraid to use it.

Finally, as you well know, marketing disciplines are expanding as fast as the marketing channels themselves. In the last 15 years, the industry has exploded. There are more marketing channels than ever before with many new channels emerging online daily.

So, unless your unicorn comes with an equally magical unicorn cloning machine, you’re going to need more horses in your stable to handle the myriad of marketing disciplines in our ever-expanding world.

We get it. Like you, we’ve been there.

We know what it’s like when you’re feeling overwhelmed. You look to the skies in hopes of summoning that magical unicorn from behind those perfectly puffy white clouds. We believe the answer is right here on the ground—a stable of workhorses, patiently waiting to run long and hard out into that field—to help you get the job done.

Contact Giant Voices when you’re ready to bring on a trusted, experienced and dependable team of workhorses to uplevel your marketing.

3 Giant Inbound Marketing Insights

While I don’t travel much for work these days, I do appreciate when I have the opportunity to get out of our Giant headquarters and explore what’s happening elsewhere in the world.

I am currently in Boston, MA, for INBOUND 2014, HubSpot’s annual conference where inbound marketing geniuses gather to learn something and connect regarding best practices in the industry. 

I’m looking forward to hearing from acclaimed thought leaders like Simon SinekGuy Kawasaki and Malcolm Gladwell.

Inbound 2014: Come Together. Get Inspired. Be Remarkable | Giant Voices

On my way to Boston, I read the second edition of “Inbound Marketing – Attract, Engage and Delight Customers Online,” by the cofounders of HubSpot, Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah.

It was an easy, meaningful read. A few things resonated with me that I want to share:

  1. If you own, manage or market in a B2B business and you don’t know the term “inbound” as it refers to marketing (not call centers), we need to talk.
  2. If you’re not engaged in social media marketing (especially LinkedIn marketing), there’s still time to start.
  3. Marketing and advertising effectiveness in today’s environment is less about the size of your budget and more about the magnitude and caliber of the content you’re creating.

At Giant Voices, every deliverable we execute for our clients ties back to content that helps our clients drive sales. It’s not just about pretty pictures (although we do craft amazing strategic creative for our clients).

The same is true for you entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and marketers that report internally. If you are not thinking about inbound marketing as a successful lead generation strategy—about how you can drive sales through engaging, meaningful and educational content—you’d better start polishing your resume.

For those of you that know me personally, you know I’m a modest yet competitive woman.

After reading “Inbound Marketing,” I’m incredibly proud to say that we have a team of Giants that is strategically on target to help our Giant Clients reach their revenue ambitions.

My wicked-smart (I am channeling Boston) business partner, Pascha Apter, and I are on the right track with our investment in HubSpot.

We are versed in the inbound methodology as part of a larger marketing strategy. We create compelling content. We help our Giant Clients strategize on the most appropriate channels to push messages out through. And, the best part: our Giant Clients can measure and attribute their increase in sales to our actions.

That’s truly a Giant accomplishment for our team.

Lisa Bodine, Giant Partner + President

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