Are you a looking for your customers to purchase, sign up, download or join an email list? Do they find it time-consuming and redundant to write in all their contact information?
There is a new, simple way to submit a form on Facebook with lead ads.
A lead ad shows your ad to users. If they are interested, they will click your call to action and their personal information will automatically populate into an online form. It’s that easy.
With all the excitement and buzz around this new option on Facebook, here are five things to consider before you create your first lead ad.
5 Tips for Killer Lead Generation Results
#1 – Before You Begin, Write a Company Privacy Policy
In order to create a lead ad campaign, both Facebook and Google require that each company have their own privacy policy.
These policies simply let your customers know what type of data you’re collecting and what you’re doing with that data. Here are a few questions to ask yourself when brainstorming about your privacy policy:
- How long will you be keeping your customer’s data?
- Who will have access to this data?
- What safeguards will you have in place to protect your customers?
The big takeaway here is protecting your customers AND your business. Check out this short, yet effective privacy policy page on our client’s site .
#2 – Create an Exciting Welcome Area
Just like any five-star restaurant, swanky hotel or even a nice waiting room at the doctor’s office, creating an effective lead ad that is visually stimulating is crucial to your lead generation opportunity.
Including a photo and clearly stating your offer leaves a lasting impression on your potential customers. Spark their excitement and you will have a successful ad.
#3 – Choose the Information You Request Wisely
Do you really need to know your customer’s date of birth or marital status for a downloadable guide on “Inbound Methodology?” Probably not.
Recognize the importance of asking the right questions. Sticking to two or three questions is perfect for a guide download. If you ask too many questions, your ideal customer may not perceive value in your offer and exit from the ad.
#4 – Create a Valuable Offer
The second to last item to focus on is creating value in the offer you’re giving away. Whether you need to survey customers, talk to them in-store, or watch their actions and reactions, it is important to understand what your customers value.
Create a win-win situation for your customer. Set a price that is transparent in what they are receiving but also maximizes your take. When a customer fills out your lead ad form, respond in real-time – ideally within in 24 hours to show you care about your customers and their business.
#5 – Don’t Forget to Download Your Audience
Once you have completed your first lead ad, you’ll want to start reaching out to your leads. Facebook requires that you download your audience to a .csv file.
If you do not use a marketing automation tool (like HubSpot) for your CRM, you have the option to download your leads through a .csv file manually.
To complete this process, go to the your company’s business page an click the tab at the top of the screen called “Publishing Tools.” Next, click “Forms Library” in the sidebar and then click “Download” to begin the download process.
An important part of a lead ad is timing. Be sure to get in contact with your leads within a 1-2 business days to ensure that your offer stays top-of-mind.
Meet the Giant Voices Digital Team
With these five tips, you’re well on your way to creating your first Facebook lead ad. If you’re looking for a little extra help in this area, the Giant Voices digital team can take your next social media advertising to the next level.
We have experience in digital advertising, SEO solutions, social media and more. A few of our digital offers include:
- Website Development
- Website Migration
- Website Audit
- SEO Report
- Digital Advertising, and more
Schedule your free discovery meeting today (valued at $500).